Communication campaign monitoring and fine-tuning
When speaking of communication campaigns, we are referring to all of the different typologies:
● advertising campaigns in newspapers, magazines, specialized press, television, radio, billboards, etc.
● websites
● catalogues and brochures
● house organs
● etc.
Market research is an extremely useful tool in making investment in communication more effective and profitable.
Before starting a campaign, through market research one can in fact:
● find promising communication concepts
● test the advertising agency proposals on a preliminary level, in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses and choose the most interesting proposal
After the campaign, market research helps assess the results obtained, thereby providing management with information essential for planning future communication activities.
The research performed after conducting the campaign can relate to various aspects (depending on the objectives the campaign itself had established). Hence one can evaluate the impact the campaign had on:
● notoriety and image of the company and/or of its products
● sales
● visitors to an Internet site, point of sale, etc.
● etc.
The pre-tests on communication campaigns are conducted chiefly through the use of qualitative methodologies, while the post-tests are primarily of a quantitative nature.
Metron has been carrying out research of this type for more than 25 years.
If you would like more information on this topic or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us.